Friday, June 14, 2013

A Disney Kind Of Day!!

Having been out late the night before, we slept in ... til 6:00 that is ... and decided to head back to Yakutania Point.  Dan hadn't been there yet, so we crossed the Skagway River and climbed the point to the top.  The tide was pretty low and we spied an Eagle sitting on some rubble in the middle of the river.  Unfortunately he was too far away, so I shot Dan instead!!
Dan stood in the hole here so Patty would look taller!!  It was great fun to check out the bay and see if any seals or otters were present.  Not yet ... they don't show up until the salmon do.
We waited back in town for Dennis Corrington to finish up with a collector buying "stuff", but after an hour or so, headed back to the rigs.  We had a date with Maggie Boughton and her husband Ron at Star Fire.  It was Pad Thai, fried rice and a Big Fat Burrito ... you can guess who ate the burrito.  There were three to-go boxes in the end however ... the food was awesome and served in huge proportions.

Almost 8:30 (which is when most of the ships leave) found us back at the dock, waiting for the Disney Ship Wonder to head out.  Four toots to get the tourists back on board was followed by their departure whistle blowing to the tune of "When You Wish Upon A Star" ... pretty cool to hear that in the bay.  She's backing out here .... it doesn't look like there is much room ... and there isn't!!!
A long slow turn and they were headed out down the Lynn Canal.
By now we are all exhausted and head back to the rigs.  I just can't help but show another picture of Rosie.  She's just TOO cute!!!
It's shopping day for the girls ... we will drop Dan off in Carcross to ride the train back to Skagway, while we spend the day finishing up the shopping chores!!

A little more trivia ...

Fuel for my car ... $4.79 per gallon

The names of some towns in Alaska ... where do they come up with these????

Old Man Camp       

Honest ... I didn't make them up!!!!

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