Woohoo!!!! BINGO IS BACK!! Really big sigh!! I'm exhausted. I feel like I got thrown off a horse going 30 mph down a fence line working a steer, landing flat on my back ..... WHAP!!! Yeah, it happened, in front of 35 people signed up for a cutting horse class with one of the premier trainers in the U.S. I just laid there thinking ..... I'm REALLY tired. I think I'll just stay here for a few minutes.
Of course everyone came running, but I was just fine. It definitely feels like the same thing happened last night.
At long last, the second set of games began, meaning it was dinner time for us peasants. The Castle Lawyer put in our order. Apparently they were so backed up it took 45 minutes to get our lovely indigestion leader of the world hot dog. It's always a two-Tums night. Five minutes later, they closed the kitchen, having run out of food. That's two weeks worth of food. That means we have nothing for NEXT week. Not my problem I whispered to myself .... not my problem!!
The really good news is since I spent over an hour raising the prices of food on our menu board and reprogramming THEIR infernal machine, it seems they made money! WOOT WOOT!!
At long last it was time to close the till. It took some brain work to remember what the heck to do and when to do it. If it weren't for the Castle Lawyer, we would be in trouble in Bingo City. Amazingly we were only four dollars off, accounted for by all the nickels and pennies we get from broken piggy banks that are dropped in a change jar for once a year counting. No one likes to count and roll change every week.
And so the night ended for us, me feeling like I had a broken back after being perched on that stool for six hours. Yup, just like cutting cattle. I found out later I had cracked a vertebra in my back from that fall. It didn't keep me from getting back on the horse and finishing up that session, just like it won't keep me from heading back to the melee next Tuesday.
The good news (not for the Castle Lawyer) is I'm leaving after that for the wild blue yonder and a new way to get there. Won't THAT be exciting ... how to find your way after getting LOST!!