Not for me of course, but for my electronics. Here's the thing ... my watch died, right? The suggestion is to update it by hooking up to my computer and going to their website. When I did, it informed me my Operating System won't support the new watch upgrade. I need to update the OS first.
Then I got a message to update my iPhone. Okay ... I can do that ... except it also said my Operating System was too old to complete the task. Oh come on ... it's only TWO years old? How can that be ancient enough not to work?
So no watch and a phone with intermittent problems unless I upgrade the computer. But here's the thing ... Photoshop, my photography catalog program, will not run if I upgrade my computer. It's pretty much everything to me, so upgrading has not been a possibility.
Oh I could join the CLOUD and pay $10 a month for photoshop, but I just don't like having all my "stuff" out there somewhere where it might get stolen or copied. That will cost $120 a year forever.
So I'm in a catch 22 ... no upgrade on the computer means no watch and eventually no phone. I'm sure the Apple people here is Tucson don't want to see me again after the fiasco with my computer last year, so I'll wait until I get back to California. Plus, I left all my backup gear at my other home. In the meantime, I hope nothing dies permanently.
Here are those cutie pie baby birds we spotted on the fire sprinkler system in Patagonia.
Is this just the cutest little face ever? They were cheep cheep cheeping the entire time. What caught our eye was the bright yellow mouths gaping wide open.
Like this!! What a nest full! There are actually four baby birds in this mud nest, all screaming for dinner as mom and probably dad too, flew back and forth trying to keep up.
I don't know what was on the menu, but it must have been good!! I'm guessing they are starlings ... but really I have no idea. I can tell you they are fast as lightning however.
Mom made sure to go down the row and feed every single one of them.
Which brings me to the babies in my own back yard. Remember the pictures of mom dove sitting on the nest? I found a broken shell under the tree and figured something got the babies, but mom was still sitting there.
One day I looked out and she was sitting on the ground looking up. What should I find but two almost grown baby doves in the nest. All this time they had been there, growing like weeds, hidden underneath mom's feathers. I can't believe they grew up that fast ... because the next morning, they had all flown the coop. The nest is now empty. Lucky I got this picture when I did.
With the weather finally beginning to cool off ... we are down to the mid 90's ... I took off on a road trip yesterday to explore the cattle ranching roots of Arizona. What an interesting story that I'll relate over the next couple of days.