After a quiet night in Bakersfield, I decided to fill my propane tank while it was convenient. I drove up to the tank at 7:30 and before I got out of the rig, there was a nice young gentleman waiting for me. Fill 'er up!
Sometimes chit chat should be kept to a minimum. In no time I knew he had worked the oil fields of Wyoming. He didn't get hired on in Alaska because he was a felon, finally ending up in Bakersfield. Ok then ....... I double checked everything and locked my doors. Really, he was a nice guy, clean cut ... I'd hire him too. Fourteen gallons of propane came to $37.
I made the mistake of leaving my camera on the table out of reach, so the only picture I got was of the Halo's building. I love this building/advertisement. Not that there was anything else to take pictures of, because there wasn't.
On the last leg just into town, all of a sudden there was a big WHAP that covered my entire windshield!!! It was like I drove though a curtain of rocks and scared me to death!!! It took me a couple of seconds to figure out I had hit a HUGE swarm of bees. I mean to tell you, their dead bodies covered my entire window, along with guts and blood. What a big mess that was!!
The wind went out of my sails. Now I had to wash the thing when I got home. RATS!! At long last I pulled into the driveway.
Ten loads back and forth to the house later and I required some coffee to keep me going. What the heck? I can't see in my microwave. Apparently the light has burned out ... no surprise since it's probably 20 years old. Still works like a charm but I couldn't even figure out where the light WAS. That's when I noticed every battery operated thing in the house had dead batteries.
I needed a pepsi (even if it was outdated by two months) ... so I opened the freezer to get some ice and I can't get the door open. WHAT? Wish I had taken a picture, but the ice maker door was covered with four inches of crystalized ice attached to the ice bin. I've no clue, since the ice maker was shut off when I left. What next???
RIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP .... okay, that's enough for one homecoming. It's hot here, so I changed to my shorts after washing the rig windshield. Yup ... caught my foot in a tiny opening and ripped the entire hem off one leg. Irritated, I chopped off a piece of fabric and sewed it to both sides, zig-zagging the entire seam SHUT!! Take THAT!!
I plopped on the couch and figured to watch television for the rest of the night. NOT!! It said it needed to be reauthorized. Two phone calls and an hour later, I finally have my TV back. I wasn't going to ask what else could go wrong ... I just snuggled with the puppies.
In case you want to know what the moon looked like last night, here it is at 3:28 am. As usual, any house locked up with no air circulation for several months is going to smell bad. Too bad they don't have smell-o-vision so you too could be wafting in the breezes of stale, slightly moldy air, mostly because I forgot to dump the last bit of trash in the kitchen.
I have a pretty good smeller. Things will wake me up in the middle of the night because of the smell ... like neighbors burning, errant fuel, a sick dog. You can imagine I didn't sleep a wink with the yucky smell, so I finally got up, grabbed my trusty can of Lysol and sprayed the entire house. I also turned on two of those candle smelly things. As I looked outside, the full moon was behind the trees.
It didn't really help and I never did get back to sleep, but at least I felt better for the time being. Today will be spent scrubbing down everything and vacuumimg while the fan runs with the windows open. Hopefully that helps. In the meantime, I discovered I grew a healthy crop of daddy-long-leg spiders on the living room ceiling. Time to don my battle armor for another siege.